Sociedade Ponto Verde


General info


10.0 million

Date of Packaging Ordinance coming into effect


Legal basis

The implementation of the European Directive 94/62 in Portugal was achieved throughout the creation of a national legal framework. Law-Decree No. 366-A/97 Regulation Ordinance No. 29-B/98 Law-Decree No. 162/2000

Obligated packaging

household packaging

Company info

Foundation of the PRO Europe Member Organization


Contact Address

Sociedade Ponto Verde
Edificio Infante D. Henrique, Rua João Chagas, nº53 1ºDt.
1495-764 Lisboa

Contact Person

Ana Isabel Trigo Morais
+351 21 010 24 00

Offered Services

Functioning as a non-profit organisation SPV fully allocates its annual overall income to cover the additional costs of municipalities in regard to multi-material collection and sorting, promotion of communication and environmental education as well as research & development projects.


Based on the principle of shared environmental responsibility, aims at promoting the selective collection, take-back and recycling of packaging waste in Portugal.

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