General Information

Afvalfonds Verpakkingen (Packaging Waste Fund) is not for profit foundation with the task to comply with packaging recycling legislation on behalf of producers and importers of packed products in the Netherlands. The Dutch legislation originally obliges individual producers and importers of packed products to recycle given amounts of the packaging they put on the market. The vast majority of these producers and importers have signed a voluntary contract with the Packaging Waste Fund to outsource compliance with packaging recycling obligations to the Packaging Waste Fund. The Dutch ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment has declared this voluntary contract legally binding, and therefore all producers and importers that put packed products on the Dutch market have to join the Packaging Waste Fund unless they can proof that they recycle their packaging within their own system.

In general, only companies with a permanent establishment in the Netherlands have to join the Packaging Waste Fund, and only if the packaging they put on the Dutch market in a year exceeds 50,000 kg. The weight of packaging put on the market by companies with a lower annual weight is determined in an alternative way.

Afvalfonds Verpakkingen is responsible for both household and commercial/industrial packaging. 

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