Serbia information




Sekopak is a not-for-profit organization funded in 2006 by Serbian industry. It is dealing with packaging waste management. Sekopak is supporting practical solutions to be implemented in the sphere of minimising influence packaging and packaging waste has on the environment. Sekopak is advocating implementing new legislation regulating packaging waste field in line with EU Directives in the field.


At present there is no packaging waste system applied in Serbia throughout its territory. Discussions are taking place in the relevant Ministry which solution to implement.




Sekopak founders are private companies dealing with production, importing, trade and distribution of packed goods on the Serbian market. The organisation comprise of Assembly, Management Board and General Secretary, while the Management Board has 9 members and is the organ of business conducting and executing.




Serbia Apart from Serbia Proper, the Republic of Serbia contains two autonomous provinces: Vojvodina and Kosovo-Metohija. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. With a population of 1.6 million, it is the country's administrative, economic and cultural centre.

Basic statistical data on Serbia (according to the census from 2002)


Territory: 88,361 km2

Location: Between 41°52' and 46°11' of North latitude and 18°06' and 23°01' of East longitude

Population (excluding Kosovo): 7,498,001

Largest Cities (over 100,000 inhabitants): Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš, Kragujevac


The break –up in total industrial production in these areas are as follows:
• processing industry – 75.18%
• production and distribution of electric power, petroleum products and water – 19.69%
• more and stone mining – 5.13%, while out of processing industry recycling is at – 0.11%


GDP for 2007 estimated at $54.547 billion, which is $7 265 per capita Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is $5 397 nominal.




Sekopak is being financed according to the equitable split on its founding members for the operational cost of running the organisation. According to the existing Draft Law on Packaging and Packaging Waste that is introducing “producers’ responsibility” and “polluter pays” principles, as of June 30, 2009, contracts with packaging waste management operators have to be signed by Serbian industry, making it possible to introduce fees and tariffs for placed packaging.


According to the Draft Law on Packaging and Packaging Waste the Basic Principles set out in Article 4 of the Draft are:

1)      shared responsibility of all actors according to the “polluter pays” principle during the product’s life cycle;

2)      prevention of generation of packaging waste;

3)      re-use of packaging, recycling and other methods of using packaging waste and reducing final disposal;

4)      Voluntary agreements in packaging waste management.





Sekopak was founded and is at present operating pursuant to Articles 104 - 183 of the Company Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 125/04)  and Memorandum of Incorporation of "Sekopak" d.o.o. Beograd adopted on 9 November 2006 and Amendments to the Memorandum of Incorporation adopted on 4 April 2007, the Assembly of "Sekopak" d.o.o. Beograd on August 27, 2007, adopted the consolidated text of MEMORANDUM OF INCORPORATION OF "SEKOPAK" d.o.o. Beograd, as a limited liability company.




Sekopak d.o.o. Beograd – Organisation for packaging Waste Management


Street: Strahinića Bana 39, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia


Tel. +381 11 3286 243, 3286 072

Fax. +381 11 2629 894



Contact person: Rebeka Bozovic, General Secretary

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