

The organization of separate packaging waste collection is directed to the waste generated by industry and commercial sector with focus on optimization of the existing schemes for secondary raw materials collection. Simultaneously, ECOPACK BULGARIA put efforts and resources to develop a new system for collection and sorting of household packaging waste in order to ensure the long-term achievement of the quantitative targets for packaging waste recycling and recovery.

In this respect ECOPACK BULGARIA launched several successful pilot projects introducing separate collection and sorting schemes.

The pilot projects include:

  • *Separate collection of packaging waste in containers;
  • Separate collection of household packaging waste in plastic bags; 
  • Collection of packaging waste generated in big retailers; 
  • Sorting of packaging waste by the means of installation for separation of mixed household waste.  

The aim of these pilot projects is to select a system for packaging waste collection that fits the best to the Bulgarian conditions and to expand it to cover the entire country.

By mid 2005 ECOPACK BULGARIA is the only organization in the country that has started the implementation of full-scale pilot projects for separate collection, thus executing the measures set in the adopted company program for waste management activities and meeting the conditions of the license issued by the Ministry of Environment and Water.

The results of the pilot projects make us confident that we will be able to guarantee the achievement of higher targets for recycling and recovery in the period 2005 - 2011 as well as to provide our clients with economically efficient and sustainable solution.

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