

Ecoembalajes EspaƱa is a non-profit company. Its activity is financed by the contributions made by the packagers/fillers (including importers of packaged products) belonging to the SIG, according to the number of packaging items put for the first-time on the Spanish market. The contribution will depend on the kind of packaging material and weight. All these packaged products are identified with the Green Dot symbol.

Ecoembes uses these contributions to finance the extra-cost that the selective collection, transport, classification and subsequent recycling and recovery of packaging waste means to the local authorities.

The fillers/packagers who want to become members of Ecoembes in order to comply with the law, will sign a Membership Contract and submit an annual "packaging declaration" with regards to the packaging placed on the Spanish market, from which the contribution to the SIG will be settled.




How are the licence fees calculated?

The fees include material costs and the tonnage of all materials recovered. The fees differ for each material and the costs depend on weight, except for glass, which will also have an additional unit cost. 

Composite materials: That is, packaging made of 2 or more materials, that are originally separate but when they form the packaging are difficult for the final consumer to separate.


Examples (without transport packaging)



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